Beauty by The Book for Teens
Becoming a Biblically Beautiful Young Woman
A 7-week Bible study of the Proverbs for teen girls by Laurie ColeIt’s easy to see how the culture defines beauty: perfect hair, perfect clothes and above all, the perfect weight, shape, and size. But is it true, or could it be a trap? Discover the dos and don’ts of true beauty in this fun, friendly study of five female from Proverbs. Find out how you can become a true beauty – a biblically beautiful young woman.
The Teacher Guide is designed to help a classroom instructor lead teen girls (ages 12-19) through the Beauty by The Book for Teens Bible study by Laurie Cole.
Beauty by The Book for Teens: Promo video
Physical beauty vs. Biblical beauty
How to attract a godly guy
“I would like to share with you how amazing the Beauty by The Book for Teens has been for our middle school girls. I recently went on this 7-week journey with our middle school girls here at our church…it was amazing and the girls would come back every week and tell me about meeting one of the women we had learned about in the study. It made great conversation! I believe this study will become a foundation for the girls to work toward become a biblical beauty. Thank you for such a wonderful study!” Donna, MO
“After completing the Beauty by The Book for Teens study with 7 girls, I cannot say enough about it. Laurie does an excellent job presenting beauty from a biblical perspective. I was blessed to watch these teens grow in their knowledge of the word and gain a proper perspective of true and lasting beauty. Our group has opted to continue Bible study together thanks to this wonderful study. This is a life-changing study for teenage girls and adult women alike!” Robin, CA