Have you noticed the increasing number of horrific headlines lately?
- The chilling, heart-breaking Planned Parenthood videos.
- The Supreme Court decision to forever redefine marriage in America.
- The terrorist attack last week in Chattanooga that killed five members of our military.
- The church shooting in South Carolina that left nine church members dead.
- The largest public satanic ceremony in history in Detroit this past weekend.
- The rise of ISIS and the cold-blooded murder and persecution of Christians.
If you’ve been avoiding the headlines and news like I have lately, allow me to share some good news with you for a change:
Despite all of the awful headlines, as Christians, you and I have every reason to be confident.
Even if the headlines in your life, your home, your relationships, etc., are discouraging you and causing you to lose hope, if you are a Christian, you have every reason to be confident, and here are seven reasons why:
Isn’t that encouraging?! I found all seven of those awesome reasons in just five verses — and if I can do it, you can, too. That’s why I want to invite you to join me for a:
Countless Reasons to be Confident Challenge
Here’s how to join:
- Begin by printing out the 7 Reasons Why You Can Be Confident and putting it with your Bible and quiet time tools.
- Start spending more time in God’s Word than reading the paper, watching the news, and surfing the news online.
- As you spend time in God’s Word, begin adding Reasons 8, 9, 10, and so on to the seven reasons on my list.
Before you know it, you and I are going to have countless reasons why we can be confident no matter what! And I need it, don’t you?
Precious sister, the headlines aren’t going to get any better until Jesus returns. But if you and I will get into God’s Word, recognize who He is and all that we have in Him, we can have confidence no matter how bad the headlines in our world — or our lives — may be.
Are you up for the challenge? Post a comment below and let me know if you’re joining me. And don’t forget the promise in Hebrews 10:35: the confidence we have in Christ has a great reward!
Your confident-in-Christ sister,