Five judges made two decisions this week and now, the entire definition of marriage in this country has changed. Although it broke my heart, I was not surprised. It’s just one more step in the same direction our country has been going for many years as we continue to distance ourselves from God.
What does God think about the Supreme Court decision? And what should we, His children, think?
The letter you are about to read was written this week by my brother, Scott McKay, who is a pastor in Lake Jackson, Texas. He submitted it to the Lake Jackson newspaper and to the Houston Chronicle as a letter to the editor. I don’t know if they will print it.
But I will.
How I pray that it will encourage you to draw near to God even as our country continues to push Him away.
Gay Marriage and God
Where is God in this national debate over homosexual marriage?
Is it any of His business on how we define marriage? Does He even care?
If marriage is only a contractual agreement between two parties, then we can define it however we choose. But, when we attach elements such a “holy” and “sacred” to matrimony, then that means the “Holy” probably has an opinion. As long as we seek His blessing and direction over the marital union, then we should probably see what He thinks about our definition.
It is abundantly clear from the Bible that the marriage God ordains is between one man and one woman. The clarity of this is simply read in Genesis 1 and 2. It was later validated by Jesus in Matthew 19. This relational mix has stood the test of time and been the understood approach for Americans since our founding fathers.
Had God wanted to allow for homosexual, polygamy, bigamy, open or child marriages, He could have presented those options in the Garden of Eden. He did not. He stuck with a man and a woman in a monogamous relationship. Sin entered the world and it gravely affected His original design, but it is still the ideal. An ideal reinforced by Jesus.
Individual states and denominations can redefine marriage, but in the eyes of God there is no such thing as homosexual marriage. It is a phantom designation. It is like the state redefining Jesus into something He is not. Both Jesus and marriage stand above the willy-nilly nature of any temporal government’s redesignations. Go ahead and make your change! It makes no difference. God defined it and the state is way outside its boundaries to do otherwise.
Let it be understood, you redefine marriage and you open a Pandora’s Box of other illicit marital configurations. It is in everyone’s best interest to stay with plain vanilla when it comes to an earthly institution that has Heavenly origins.
Pastor Scott McKay
Willow Drive Baptist Church, Lake Jackson, TX
Praying for our country,
For a great sermon on the topic of same-sex marriage, see Rev. Stuart Rothberg’s sermon on May 22 here.