This is a guest post by Glo Girl Shawn Kelly.
We all have a divine purpose and calling. Whoa! That’s something you’ve never heard before, right? Actually… we’ve heard it more times than we can count.
Confession time: I, Shawn, am 24 years old and willing to admit that the idea of a divine purpose just became fully clear to me. Sure, I never doubted that God in His infinite wisdom fashioned us all with a certain set of unique tools, resources, and talents. But I was missing one essential piece of the puzzle — knowing and doing are two very different things. Fulfilling your destiny in Christ requires action! It’s entirely possible that this revelation is common sense and I’m just a little late to the party (wouldn’t be the first time). But I would bet that if God is dealing with this in me, someone else needs to hear it too.
Stepping into your destiny can be scary because it requires faith, as anything involving the unknown does. What do I mean by “stepping into” you ask? By this I mean actively searching for opportunities to use the talents that He has equipped you with. Our purpose isn’t always the most clear-cut path laid before us; sometimes it takes some digging. But the sooner we throw ourselves into serving others in the area that God created us for, the closer we come to finding His plan for each of us. It’s time to take our place in the lineup because, let’s face it — we are not irreplaceable on the team. If we aren’t willing to fill our position, there is always someone ready. His Kingdom running smoothly isn’t dependent on our faithfulness. But oh, how He yearns for us to take our place! Thankfully, it is never too late and that is the most beautiful thing.
No idea which direction your destiny lies? Don’t panic! I’m the most directionally challenged individual you will ever meet, so I know the feeling well. Take a deep breath and maybe have a cookie (this method works beautifully for me and is a little cheaper than an emotionally-fueled shopping extravaganza). Ask yourself a few questions.
- What do I love to do?
- What things do other people recognize in me?
- What am I the “go-to gal” for?
Chances are, the arena you shine in is where your destiny lies.
Maybe you know exactly what you’re meant to do and just need a little nudge. Whatever the case, I am a firm believer in grabbing your blessings. God wants to give good gifts to His children! (Matthew 7:11) But we need to be the in the position to reach up and take hold of all the great things He has in store for us. Functioning in the capacity that we are meant to be functioning in is the first step toward finding these things. He will open doors we never knew existed, we will meet people we never would have met, and most of all, we will find true contentment in Christ.
Shawn Kelly is a writer living in Raleigh, North Carolina. She recently graduated from North Carolina State University and hopes to pursue a career in children’s literature.